There were 10 in our group of trekkers: Lisa and Marilyn (UK), Camille (Fr.) and her husband Joost (Neth.), Michael (Mississauga), Jim and Jane (Tennessee) and Clive and Anne (Florida). Supporting us were Jonas the head guide, 3 assistant guides (Antony, Arson, and Ali) and "around" 31 other people. I say "around" as we never quite seemed to get a handle on how many were connected specifically with us... until tipping time, lol.

Day 1 of course I overslept but luckily I had packed the night before. I had my last smoke and ate as much as I could for breakfast. Here's me looking squeaky clean, all set to climb aboard our bus. We were picked up at the Outpost at about 8am and went round to the other two hotels to collect the others. It took until 1:30pm to reach the Rongai Gate. There was a pee break at 10 where I was introduced to my first squat toilet of the trip (no tp of course) and then we had a longish stop at the Marangua Gate where all groups need to register and pick up their permits.
Saturday was market day and the roads were full of people walking with a chicken dangling from their hands, baskets and bananas on their heads, loads strapped to bicycles.

But also the Rongai Route starts from the Kenyan side of the mountain so one has to drive around it.
We were given lunch (mushroom soup, tomato & cucumber sandwiches, papaya, bananas, avocado) and filled up on water. A table was set up in the "Tourist Shelter" with lawn chairs - very fancy!

We all lined up to sign the register with the park agent and were off. It took 3 and a bit hours to reach the first campsite. There was a short break every hour and 15 minutes or so. First we passed through farmland. Several kids came running out asking for candy. Then we headed into a wooded area. We saw some monkeys (black with white faces) but I couldn't get a good shot of them. A steady incline but not vigorous (yet).

I hope I didn't cause this fellow to capsize - he got tangled up between two trees shortly after this picture and some of the men in our group tried to right his motorcycle for him.
The first campsite was very crowded but Jonas had arranged for our group to be slightly away. We were already past the first level of clouds. It was still light but noticeably cooler by the time we arrived. Our tents had already been set up. First I was told to share with Lisa and Marilyn but Jonas wanted me to have my own tent as I needed "more oxygen".
Popcorn snack with tea, hot chocolate or coffee. Dinner: Curried cucumber soup, potatoes, vegetable curry, fried fish, cake. (Immodium number 1).
After supper Jonas came to measure our oxygen levels and heart rate with a nifty little gadget you inserted onto your finger. Of course I became immediately competitive about it, lol. Today 95 and 65. Bed by 9:20pm. 11 degrees. Slept in hat.
(Note: if you click on the pictures you will get a larger version)